Sermon 7 questions – Part 2 on Forgiveness
Here are my final thoughts in response to Sunday’s questions: Is unforgiveness sin? Yes. We are commanded over and over in the scripture to forgive others. Consider Colossians 3:13: “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances…
Sermon Questions on forgiveness (Part 1)
This past Sunday I preached the seventh message in this series, “God, I Have A Question.” I addressed the topic “Does it really matter to God how we treat each other?” Most of the questions submitted through…
Sermon 6 Questions – Creation/Evolution (Part 2)
Two Sunday’s ago I sought to answer the question – How did God create the earth? The topic came from a variety of questions about evolution. During the message I had additional questions texted in to me,…
Sunday’s Questions – Creation (Part 1)
This past Sunday I preached a sermon in our “God, I have a question” series on how did God make the world. Obviously the theme brings up the debate between creationists and evolutionists. You can hear the…
Sunday’s Questions – Heaven and Hell
I have done the best I can to answer the questions that were submitted to me during the sermon last Sunday. This posting concludes last Sunday’s topic. The topic was heaven and hell, and there were a…
Questions regarding Heaven and Hell from Sermon 5 (Part 2)
Here’s a few more responses to questions submitted to me during my sermon last Sunday. The theme of that message was on Heaven and Hell. If the dead could look into heaven, when we go to heaven…
Questions from Sunday (Sermon 5 on Heaven and Hell)
As in the past, questions were submitted on Sunday morning during my sermon that I was unable to fully answer at the conclusion. Each Sunday I am spending about 10 minutes at the conclusion of my sermon…