Encountering God’s Splendor
I am beginning a short message series tomorrow I’ve entitled “Encountering His Splendor,” and I’ve decided to allow one of my blogs each week be specifically related to my upcoming sermon I will share at SonRise Baptist…
Asleep At The Light
Some years ago, my family and I went to Salt Lake City to attend the Southern Baptist Convention. It was interesting to go into the heart of Mormonism to convene with representatives of the largest evangelical denomination…
The Pot Is Being Stirred in the Middle East
Some amazing things are happening in the Middle East (even this past weekend), and it would do us well to keep our eyes upon that region. Remember that Ezekiel 38-39 speaks of a tremendous battle taking place…
Is Prophecy being Fulfilled in the Middle East?
According to a New York Times article sent to me by my friend, Jim Wells, Brigadier General Herzl Halevi of the Israeli army is surprised Israel has not yet attacked Iran. Halevi is the commander of the…
Opportunities for Evangelism
The opportunities to share the gospel are great. As the time of Christ’s return draws ever closer, people will become increasingly more open to the message of salvation. It is true that there will be many challenges…
Thoughts on Haiyan
The stories coming out of the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan have been heart-breaking and disturbing. While the number of deaths is unknown as I write this, the Red Cross has ordered 10,000 body bags in preparation for…
Gratitude is a feeling or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. One dictionary calls it a “state of being” while Psychology Today calls it “an emotion,” There’s really a pretty…