
  • Change,  Life

    Quit Hurting Yourself

    The most interesting headline of the day is, “Beetles Kill George Harrison Memorial Tree.” The pine tree that was planted in memory of the former Beatles star, George Harrison, in Griffith Park, was killed by pine beetles.…

  • Grace,  Life,  Theology

    Second Chances

    Second chances. I’m a big fan of the mulligan in golf, the “do over” in front yard football, and the “undo” button on my word processor. I’ve always liked having a second chance. There are some things…

  • Life,  Prophecy,  Uncategorized

    The Midnight Hour

    Have you heard the story of the Missouri principal who angered atheists with his comments about God in a graduation speech? You can view a news report online or read an article about the incident. The principal…

  • Family,  Life

    Parenting Blog

    My family and I are beginning to work on writing a new book together entitled 31 Days to Parenting Success. In order to promote interest, I will be writing an additional blog on parenting at I…

  • Life

    Soccer Lessons

    I recently received an e-mail from a friend, and I asked for permission to share it on my blog. I think you will be encouraged and challenged by it. Our kids play soccer each spring. The boys…

  • Life,  Ministry,  Missions

    Time Change

    I hate losing things, and I especially hate losing an hour. Daylight savings time is about to hit us again, and we are all about to have to go through the struggle of giving up an hour.…