Happy Emoji Day!!
Happy world emoji day!! Hard to believe, but today (July 17), we are actually celebrating the little icons people use in texting to communicate feelings. While a picture is worth a thousand words, I’m not real sure what the emojis are worth. I can’t tell what feelings many of them represent. It does kind of remind me of a tutorial on feelings I read for men once. Because men do not always connect with their feelings, this particular book offered suggestions (and even little drawings) to help the Neanderthal guy figure out exactly how he feels. The jury is still out as to whether or not that book is actually that helpful either. I have learned to be careful in texting because words do not always adequately communicate feelings. Now we are supposed to somehow express ourselves through little pictures – some of which are wide open for interpretations. Maybe World Emoji Day can be a day we recommit ourselves to really communicating, and not just with little drawings. What steps can you take to communicate better with the ones you love?
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