Show Me Your Glory
I have shared recently in Sunday morning messages that “glory” is translated in the Old Testament from a word that means “weight” (as in the total weight of something or the full expression of something). In the New Testament it comes from a word that means the shining of an object that is brilliant. I have compared the N.T. thought to the rays of the sun. The sun is brilliant, and we see evidence of that brilliance through the rays of the sun that provides heat and light. The Bible says that God is glorious. Moses asked God to show him His glory (Exodus 33), and God allowed Moses to get a glimpse of Him from the back. This offer of glory was not a one-time thing for one superstar Old Testament patriarch. God offers us His glory on a regular basis. I was recently intrigued by Christ’s prayer for us (John 17:20-26), and I taught on this text yesterday. Jesus actually prayed that we would experience His glory. He said in verse 24 that it is His will that we see His glory. This thought took me to 1 John 5:14-15: “This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him.” Think for a moment about these two Scriptures. Jesus said it is His will that we see His glory. God says that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us and answers our prayer. Do you want to see the glory of God, like Moses? All you need to do is ask and get ready. It is God’s will to show Himself to you. I think we should start our day, before getting out of bed, asking God to show us His glory. As we go throughout our day, we should look for “the shining that comes from Someone brilliant,” and we will see demonstrations of God’s glory all day long. Four years ago, I bought a Ford Taurus. I suppose I had seen them before I made the purchase, but after I bought this vehicle, I began seeing them everywhere. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen other cars that look just like mine. I believe that when we become aware of God’s glory and begin to anticipate seeing it, we will be overwhelmed with His glory that is all around us. This leads to worship and obedience as we begin to see that God is intimately and personally involved in our lives. Let’s join in with the prayer of Moses: “Show me your glory.” When we do, we will find we are immersed in the brilliance of God’s presence.
Vertical Church
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One Comment
jan lea
“show me your glory”, God’s glory is present I believe more than we realize, in nature, answered prayers, guidance, protection, and an unexplainable comfort and peace. I just want God to show me his glory as long as I have to journey on this earth. God be with us, praise King of kings.