Syria and the Last Days – Part 2
In my last blog I posed a question about the role of Syria in the last days. The Bible has a lot to say about Syria and her role throughout history, especially the capital city of Damascus. Isaiah prophesied in Isaiah 17 that Damascus would be destroyed – totally. It’s not just going to be a little something that affects a few buildings in the city. Isaiah said that in the night there would terror, but by morning they would be “gone” (see Isaiah 17:14). It is true that our current crisis could bring about the fulfillment of this prophecy, but it is also true that the United States, Russia, or some other country may broker a deal that solves the current problem. Regardless, one day, Damascus will be destroyed. The reason this current crisis leads us to consider we are approaching the last days is because there will be heightened tensions against Israel in the last days, and Syria will initially play a role in this tension. Syria’s aggression against God’s people will eventually lead to their destruction, as the prophet Isaiah reveals in Isaiah 17. We also know that there will be a coalition of nations to rise up against Israel during the last days. I wrote of this in my book that will be published in the future: Immovable: Standing Firm in the Last Days:
The tension between the Arabs and the Jews is as old as the sibling rivalry between Isaac and Ishmael (see Genesis 21:8-14). While there are no prophecies that specifically point to a rise of Islamic hostilities in the last days, there are other predictions that require a strong alliance against Israel. Ezekiel spoke of a five-nation alliance with Russia that would attack Israel. Through God’s Holy Spirit, Ezekiel even named these countries, using ancient names of early history (see Ezekiel 38:5-6).
While these five nations are named in Ezekiel, it is significant that Syria is not included. It is possible that Syria could be included in the “many peoples with you” part of Ezekiel 38:6, but it seems more likely that Syria would have been included in the list of nations, if they are still a vibrant nation at the time. I believe Syria is not listed because they will be “gone” (Isaiah 17:14). While the current tensions cannot be determined to for sure be events leading to Syria’s demise, one can easily see how these tensions, or ones like them sometime in the future, could lead to Syria’s destruction causing them to simply not be present for this major battle called The Battle of God and Magog. These current events could very well be setting the stage for the return of Christ and the beginning of the Tribulation Period. It seems all of this involvement of Russia with Iran, and other nations, is simply strengthening the relationships that will one-day form this coalition Ezekiel prophesied. The news over the next weeks and months could be telling of Syria’s destruction or it could just be preparing the Middle East for a strengthened coalition for the future attack on Israel. Regardless, the current crisis gives indication the return of Jesus for His Church could be close. We must be ready! Do you know Jesus as your personal Savior? When Jesus returns for His Church, will you be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air? We may not have much time before His return. You must be ready. Today is the day of salvation.
Syria and the Last Days
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April 3, 2020
July 22, 2020
j. lea
I believe now more than ever we all need to be ready, constanly making ourselves ready for the Saviors return. The old testament has a wealth of information and prophecy, I believe ever believer should know and study feverently. We need to study and help each other to help others. The bible is our guide
Mark 13:7 says, “And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately.” God has indeed set an order to things we cannot change, but He is our guide and our strength if we put our trust in Him.